“Disability Activism in Europe” Project - Public Coverage
Here, you can find public coverage of the “Disability Activism in Europe” research project and Miro Griffiths’ broader commentary on disability related topics.
If you work in the media and would like to discuss the research project with Miro Griffiths, please visit the contact page for further details.
Please note, Miro Griffiths will request transcripts for audio-related material but these are not always sent through. Please contact the specific organiser, interviewer or media outlet if you require a transcript and it is not available below.
Disability News Service
23rd November 2023
Miro Griffiths is quoted, in an article about UK Disability History Month, discussing youth participation in disibility activism.
Article Link: hhttps://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/uk-disability-history-month-begins-with-call-for-action-on-disablism-in-education/
14th International Disability Law Summer School, University of Galway
22nd July 2023
University of Galway invite Miro Griffiths to give a public lecture on his research and respond to questions from audience members.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH7tgYcOtLw&list=PLvKS9kpe3SYPuY1u9PEXEEEeLMIPPT-6d&index=13&t=229s
Youth Disability and Advocacy Research Network
6th July 2023
Youth Disability and Advocacy Research Network invite Miro Griffiths to give a public lecture on his research and respond to questions from audience members.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wysjE5uXiwQ
International Sociological Association Interview
6th September 2022
International Sociological Association award Miro Griffiths “Sociologist of the Month” for September 2022 and record his ideas about research, Disability Studies, and disability activism and politics.
Article Link: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/publications/isa-journals/current-sociology/sociologist-of-the-month/sotm-september-2022
British Educational Research Association Podcast
30th June 2022
Nick Johnson interviews Miro Griffiths about the research project, inclusive education, and navigating academia as a disabled scholar.
Audio File: MP3
Transcript: PDF or Microsoft Word
Extending The Link Documentary
27th April 2022
Extending the Link's documentary "Diverse Bodies, Beautiful Minds: Voices of Disability Activism" features Miro Griffiths discussing the research project, the purpose of disability activism, and the imagining of accessible and inclusive societies.
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1KcRdtSc8Q
Liverpool Community Radio
7th October 2021
John Perry interviews Miro Griffiths about the research project, disability politics, and disabled people's participation in society.
Audio File: MP3
University of Leeds Inclusion and Education Podcast
10th May 2021
Luke McFarline interviews Miro Griffiths about the research project, research methodoligies, and inclusive disability policy.
Audio File: MP3
Transcript: PDF or Microsoft Word
BBC Merseyside Radio
19th March 2021
Claire Hamilton interviews Miro Griffiths about the research project, disabled people's experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic, and accessible local elections.
Audio File: MP3
Transcript: PDF or Microsoft Word